I Love the Doctor!

So this summer I have been working on many things.  I have been eating a tad better, exercising more, and working on some things for the upcoming school year.  One thing that has become a pastime (I guess you could call it that) for my family and I is watching Dr. Who.  I have absolutely fallen in love with this show.  My son, husband, and I watch an episode almost every evening, and it keeps us on the edge of our seat.  The brilliance behind the stories, the change of characters, and time travel make it soooo worth watching.  Thanks to Netflix, it is possible. 

I never thought I could like a show so much, and appreciate the writing and intertwining story lines.  I am even trying to have my husband make me a Tardis for my classroom!  How cool would that be?  My kids could take turns working in the Tardis each day!  The 10th doctor is my favorite so far.  I will be sad when he goes, but then I remember that's the way I felt when the 9th doctor changed.  I have faith I will like the 11th doctor just as much.  So far, my favorite episode has been, "Blink," with the first introduction of the Weeping Angels.  Sci-Fi, combined with adventure, crazy characters, and brilliant stories lines make this show a must watch!
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