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My Classroom is Complete
My Classroom is Complete
Yay! Thanks to my husband, my mother, my son, and my friend Barb, my room is finished! We worked all day yesterday (the final day to work in our rooms before open house) and finished. I think it looks really good, especially when I look at the BEFORE pictures. I still need to add a couple decorations on the wall and get a few things ready for the first day, but other than that I feel relief. Yay! Open house is tomorrow evening. Looking forward to meeting my new students and their parents. Link up at the end of this blog post to share your finished classroom pics!
Math manipulatives, leap pads, reading and math center bulletin board, and behavior board. |
Facing the back of the room. Notice I don't have chairs. We have exercise balls instead. The kids come in the class in the morning and grab a ball of their choice before taking a seat. They place them in the reading area at the end of the day so our custodian can sweep. We LOVE them! |
My easel my husband built along with the right side of my room with my puppets, more math manipulatives, my popcorn machine, and computer area. |
My behavior board and reading area. My students move their airplanes up the speed limit marks to earn positive rewards along the way. If they get a warning or other infraction, their airplane is stopped for the day and can no longer advance on the rewards path until the next day. Students earn different things for moving up the chart. I do not like clip charts. They just never really worked for me and I needed much more positive reinforcement. I haven't had much luck with them and I love this newer system that I use. I adapted it from a couple of colleagues, and changed it to fit my students over the past couple of years. |
This is my "Take Home Pals" area, water cooler, candy dispenser (for rewards - along with healthy peanuts if they choose). My teacher desk area, document camera, computer, etc.....Also, I have my new Brother printer to print for really, really cheap which I am sooo excited about. |
My easel, my white carts that I covered with scrapbook paper (idea found on Pinterest), and my computer center. My number line that I made is up near the top of this picture. I made rainbow numbered bunting for my rainbow theme. It is available on |
Computer center, popcorn machine (for rewards), and puppets. |
Looking at the door coming in to my classroom. |
My Promethean Touch Board 500 that I won! I couldn't teach without it! |
Desk area again. |
Looking at the front of the room from the back. I still need to hang some things up. |
Link up with me and share the final pictures of your classroom!