Tellagami in Your Classroom

Today I attended one of the Pre-Con sessions at the METC (Midwest Educational Technology Conference) at the St. Charles Convention Center.  I learned of an app that you may or may not already know about called Tellagami.  You can only use it on a mobile device, not a computer, but the possibilities are endless.  I created a video for my sub to play when I am out tomorrow.  The videos can't be too lengthy, but can be short snippets of information.  I know the kids will love me in a computer animated

The app is similar to Voki, though Tellagami seems a little more user friendly.  It also saves the videos you create as a mov file, so you can email them to yourself and save them on your computer. Here are some other ways this might come in handy in the classroom.

- You could read a short story or poem and the students could answer questions about them to help
  with listening comprehension

- You could read a word problem, or a math problem of some type and the students would have to    
   work it out.

 - You could pose a behavior/moral situation to the students and they would have to write about how
   they might solve the problem.

 - You could have the students type a response to a question and have them listen to their response
   via their gami.

 - The students could create a gami that explains their mathematical reasoning or thinking.

Anyway, hopefully I will have some more fun things to share that I learned, as the conference is two more days.  Tomorrow and Wednesday I am presenting Promethean ActivInspire workshops, but I will be attending other sessions when I am not presenting. 

I would love to hear how you use Voki or Tellagami in your classroom, or other ideas that you may have of how it could be used to engage your students.

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