First up! Finding Fractions of a Group Activity Pages. This concept is super difficult for students, especially if they don't know their multiplication facts or they have trouble visually "seeing" objects divided or split into groups. My third graders needed a lot of extra practice, so I created this activity set for them.
Are you preparing your students for your upcoming math state test? We are working on reviewing test taking procedures, as well as math skills from all areas. I created this fun, brightly colored, monkey themed, Promethean ActivInspire flipchart lesson to help them practice. This kids LOVED it, but after I exported the results, I realized there are many areas that we still need to work on.
And, here's a FREE clip art set of some rainbow shamrocks. Hopefully you can put them to good use creating some St. Patrick's day activities and lessons, or use them to spice up your bulletin boards. Click on the picture to download them for free from TpT.