How to Protect Images in an ActivInspire Flipchart Lesson

I have been asked several times how to protect images in a Promethean ActivInspire Flipchart Lesson so I thought I would write a blog post about it! 

This protection keeps others from copying the images, taking pictures of the images with the camera tool, dragging the clip art to their resource library, and copying pages from one flipchart to another.  If you have every tried to copy objects and get the notice below, it's because the author published the flipchart!

Here's how to do it:

Step # 1:  When your flipchart is finished, make sure you save it.  I am going to pretend I just created a flipchart and saved with the name "Compound Words Flipchart Lesson." 
You can see here my file has been saved with the name Compound Words

Step #2:  Now that my file is finished and saved, I need to publish it to protect others from getting or copying the images inside my Promethean ActivInspire file.  Go to file and then scroll down to publish - click it and follow the directions below by reading the captions.
File, scroll down to publish and click it

Select Prevent copying pages and objects and Prevent Camera Tool

Then click publish
Step # 3:  When you click on the publish button, a new box comes up asking you to save your file again.  VERY IMPORTANT - Save your file with a NEW name or you will save over your original.  I usually save mine with the name published after it.  My original file name was compound words, so now I am saving it as "Compound Words Published."
You can see I added the word published after it and then click save.

 Step 4:  Close your flipchart with the published name to your desktop and reopen it.  Try using the camera tool ctrl +K or copying objects on it by clicking on an object and using ctrl+v.  If you get the message on the picture below, then you were successful at publishing.  You can now post your file without others being able to have access to the images!
 I hope you have found this tutorial beneficial in protecting your purchased clip art images!  I would love suggestions on other tutorials to post, just give suggestions in the comments section below!  Enjoy!

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