Our Macaw Interrupting the Working Process

Jack, one of our female macaws helping dad work
Today is the second snow day for me!  I am working on a Pizza Fraction flipchart lesson!  Yay!  I really can't complain.  However; my husband, who has been working daily on converting all of our Promethean flipchart lessons to Smart Notebook files found himself interrupted by Jack, our Macaw making a mess of his keyboard.....lol.  We have two macaws, a blue and gold, and a scarlet.  They are super fun, sweet, but at times destructive, as you can see from the picture.  All of those white spaces are missing keys!  It will only be the fourth replacement.  I guess it's a good thing his laptop keyboards are only about $7.00 each on Amazon!  I prefer to just keep my computer closed when the birds are nearby!

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