Problem with Pencils?

I have seen all sorts of ideas for pencils on blogs, so I thought I would share mine.  I have used this system for the past eight years and NEVER have arguing over pencils, or have kids getting up and sharpening pencils during class.  It has worked every year, no matter how many students I have had.  Also, I never have students just getting up for no reason to pretend they have a pencil to sharpen.  
Try it for a couple of weeks and let me know how it goes!

Here's how it works. 

Fill the sharpened pencil can full of regular, yellow, number 2 pencils.  When a student needs a new, sharpened pencil, they place their dull pencil in the unsharpened or broken can, and take a new one from the sharpened pencil can.  I usually sharpen enough pencils to last the entire day!  When the pencils are too short to sharpen, throw them away.  Students don't ever keep more than one or two pencils in their desk.
I used two large Bush's Bean Can's for my pencil cans. Follow my blog and then click below to download the labels.
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