Great Lesson Idea for Reinforcing Types of Sentences

     Here's a great way to visually assess whether your students can identify the differences between the four types of sentences: command, exclamation, statement, and question. 
     I have done this for the past couple of years, and again today.  My kids always love it!  Plus, it lets me quickly assess how many students know the difference between the four types of sentences when they hear them.  

I use this book, Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? by Bonnie Lass and Philemon Sturges, wonderful illustrations by Ashley Wolff. 

 I give the students the following directions: 

When you hear a question, you will tap your head lightly with both hands. 

When you hear a statement, you will reach down and touch your toes. 

When you hear an exclamatory sentence you will raise both arms in the air two times very quickly. 

When you hear a command, you will put your hands in fists, and roll them in front of you. 

I model all of these motions for them and we practice them together first.  After the directions are given, then I read the book aloud.  I read the book, pausing only slightly between each of the sentences and give them a few reminders in the beginning.  There are many, many opportunities for practices of the four types of sentences in this book.   It also gets the students up and active for a few minutes during the day.  We do it several times the week I am teaching it, and then several times a year for review.  The kids love it every time!

You can get the book by clicking on the link below.

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