My New Best Friend

My husband and son bought me this Scotch Laminator for my birthday and I have used it nonstop.  I have been laminating all of the reading and math centers from all of the great teacher resale sites, Pinterest, teaching blogs, etc.  It laminates anything that can fit within an 8 1/2 x 11" area.   It is a must have for any teacher!  It is fairly reasonable at about $30.  My husband purchased mine from for a tad under $30, but I have also seen them at Target and Walgreens for around the same price.  It comes in a bright red box.  

The Scotch brand of laminating film costs a little more than the no name brand, but I am able to buy 200 sheets of film at our local Sam's Club for $20.  It goes a long way.  These are also available on 

 I love that when I laminate my centers they are nice and durable, much better than our school's laminating machine although it does the job when needed - especially for larger projects.  Anyway, I had to share this as it has come in handy so many times.

Use the link below to get this same laminator. It's free shipping too!

Look below to get the best deal on laminating sheets too! I have tried several and these are really good!
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