Inferencing Practice for My School

In one of my earlier blog posts, I showed how we did an inference bag activity as a class. The students placed the bags in the corner of the room and we used it as a reading center. Click here to see my earlier blog post. I decided to take the inference activity a little bit farther and do the same activity for the school. It turned out great!
First, the students placed any item of their choice in a brown paper bag. I placed their name on it , gave them an index card, and they wrote their clues.

Secondly, using hot glue, I glued clothespins to the bulletin board and hung the bags.I then glued a small box to the bulletin board and labeled it "Take a Slip." I placed blank inferencing slips in the box. When teachers brought their class to our board, they would pass out the inferencing slips. The students would write their name, room number, the name on the bag, and a guess as to what was in the bag based on the clues. Then, I had another box (larger in size) hot glued to the board. The students would fold up their slips and place them in the box. The box opened so my students could periodically remove the slips and check them for accuracy. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SLIPS I USED.My students would have the job of checking the slips. If a student from another classroom made a good inference, one of my students would cut out a "Congratulations Slip", write their name and room number on it, and tape a Starburst onto the slip. Then, they would deliver the slip and treat to their classroom teacher so he/she could hand them out.
Many of the classrooms visited the board and it was a neat way to add interactivity and hands-on learning to the concept.
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