Open House Ideas Linky Party!

     Our open house takes place about five days prior to school starting, always in the evening hours of about 5-7.  Open House will be here before we know it, as many of us try and scramble to create new things for this upcoming school year.  Our school does pretty much the same thing for open house each year, well last year was a tad different.  Our school hosted a barbeque for about an hour.  During this time kids, parents, and teachers would eat and mingle and then at a given time, our principal would announce that students could go to their child's classroom and visit, drop off their supplies, and formally meet their child's teacher. 
     When parents and their children come to the room, everyone crowds at once asking questions and introducing themselves.  Most kids are excited that school is starting soon and you can see their excitement as they place their folders and books in their desks and carefully put their supplies into the appropriate baskets.  You can really see the excitement of the parents as they are glad that summer is coming to an end!  Many parents are given forms to be returned to school, but much of the time the information is left on the desk, due to the excitement and chaos of the evening. 
     I have seen a few ideas from other teachers out there, but was wanting to know what your school does for open house?  What do you do in your classroom during open house?  Link up and share your ideas!  It will be here before we know it! 

TBA's Ultimate Linky Party
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