Lakeshore's Interactive Whiteboard Games

       ISTE was so much fun!!!  Lakeshore was there and I was fortunate enough to talk to their representatives about how much I love using their games in my classroom.  They were very nice and gave me five different game titles that I didn't have.  These games are great to use in the classroom with any interactive whiteboard.  They would work well on student computers (if your school has newer ones, but ours are a little slow so I only use them on my teacher computer and display them on the Promethean board.  
       I always introduce each game individually, usually when we begin that concept, or skill.    I think I have almost every game they have for 2nd - 4th grade.  Plus, the are very reasonable and as a teacher I can afford them, unlike other software programs.  They usually run anywhere from $14.95 - $19.95 each, but if you sign up for their emails you get a buy one get one 50% off coupon to use - several times a year. They are always coming out with new games too! 
       I use my board daily in my reading and math groups.  I store the games in a folder on my desktop, and after I give the students the criteria for what they can play, they go to the folder and load the game.  Sometimes, I give the students a choice between two or three math or reading games, all of the reading and/or math games, or sometimes I tell them the exact game they need to play.  The games are anywhere from 2-6 players, but their newest games also allow just one student to play if necessary.  
       They also have games called Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts Quiz Game Show.  These games are fun to do if you have Learner Response Systems to use.  I group the students into 4-6 teams and they get to pick the 5 categories for the game.  Sometimes I do this for them, and gear the game toward the concepts we are working on and the skills we need to review.  You can also activate a countdown timer, which I always do (I found if I don't do this, the students will take forever to type in their response.)  A game show cartoon character narrates the game, and they feature great sound effects and animations.  
       Well, if you read through this blogpost then you can click on the picture below.  It will take you to Lakeshore's site where you can download one of their full software games to try!  Yes, it's a full version!  This is a $14.95 - $19.95 value!  Beware though, because once you use them in your classroom, you will be hooked! 
       I am going to get their Social Studies Quiz Game Show and their Measurement game before school starts since I don't have them yet.  These are some of their new ones that I still don't have.  When you order the games, you can do the instant download rather than have a cd shipped and can get the games right away!  Love them, and look forward to using them this next year with a new group of kids. 

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